Herding Cats.

Nasty muscle spasms in my back have made it extremely difficult for me to get any decent sleep lately. I’ve still been dreaming, but my dreams tend to overlap and get jumbled up so that I can’t stay focused on one long enough to remember it. As soon as I start to really get into one, another one butts in, then another. Before I know it, it’s like herding cats. A rather pointless undertaking.

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  1. evervescence
    Nov 30, 2011 @ 15:46:02

    Ouch! I can totally empathize with back spasms! I get those sometimes too and they are horrible! I used to have nightmares I was being stabbed in the back, but then wake up and the pain was still happening but I was in my bed- having a muscle spasm in my back! OMG, that video is totally hilarious!!!!


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